// Turismo de Portugal contributes to the upgrading of the tourism offering because it:
_ ensures the transparency of the market and the services rendered to tourists
_ intervenes in territorial management, promoting a suitable policy in terms of tourism planning and the structuring of the offering
_ participates in the authorising of tourism activities
_ monitors the evolution of Portugal’s tourism offering through the classification of enterprises and the registration of travel and tourism agencies, tourism recreation agencies and local lodging establishments.
// Supports investment in tourism since it:
_ provides technical and financial support for public and private entities
_ manages financial support instruments
_ encourages practices of excellence
// And it promotes innovation and entrepreneurship by:
_ monitoring and supporting tourism startups with programmes such as FIT - Fostering Innovation in Tourism
_ promoting innovation and the use of technology in the tourism value chain, with a special focus on the tourist experience, sustainability solutions and big data, being a founding member of NEST Tourism Innovation Centre (the anchor project of the Tourism 4.0 initiative)
_ supporting business initiatives through stakes in venture capital companies, property investment and mutual guarantees.