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Tourism offer

Tourist activity

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Information on tourism enterprises and companies operating in the country is available and can be consulted in the National Tourism Register (RNT).

The RNT gathers mandatory information filled in and updated by the entities that operate tourism enterprises and companies, tourism recreation agents and travel agencies.

The platform on which the RNT is based enables 4 distinct areas of activity to be consulted:

Tourism Enterprises: National Tourism Enterprises Register (RNET)
_ Travel Agencies: National Travel ​Agencies Register (RNAVT)
_ Tourism Recreation Agents: National Tourism Recreation Agents Register (RNAAT)
_ Local Lodging Establishments: National Local Lodging Register (RNAL)

Each register works independently and allows you to search and select information about the offer by entity, region, type, etc.

This information can be complemented and analysed in conjunction with other geo-referenced information on tourism supply in SIGTUR ​- Tourism Geographic Information System, as well as with statistics and analysis by region and market, available on TravelBI, the Turismo de Portugal's knowledge management platform. ​

  • Turismo de Portugal
  • Tourism enterprises
  • Local accommodation
  • Travel and tourism agencies
  • Tourist entertainment
  • National Tourism Register
  • RNAL
  • RNET
  • SIGTur
  • Travel BI
  • social network icon image
  • social network icon image
  • social network icon image
  • social network icon image
  • social network icon image