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Boosting Portugal, promoting the tourism destination

Destination promotion

Boosting Portugal and increasing the notoriety of the tourism destination in international markets is part of Turismo de Portugal's continuous action, carried out in articulation with the Regional Tourism Promotion Agencies (ARPT) and using the Tourim Teams abroad that operate in 25 strategic markets.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Promoting Portugal as a destination to visit, live, study or invest in,​​ and with the capacity to host major national and international events, positioning tourism as one of the factors of competitiveness and development of the national economy, is Turismo de Portugal's aim, which is embodied in various actions and platforms as part of the national tourism promotion strategy.
// Visit Portugal | digital platform for the promotion of Portugal as a tourism destination
The digital communication for the assertion of the purpose and value proposition of Portugal as a tourism destination is carried through a multi-channel platform. 

On the social networks Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, Visit P​​​ortugal has communication channels par excellence, with great projection in the various markets, increasing interest in visiting the country and maintaining interaction with the most loyal tourists and fan communities.

On Pinterest and in the VisitPortugal blog, are published news and articles which reflect the growing interest in the country and its worldwide recognition as a tourist destination of excellence.

The official tourism promotion portal,, offers various suggestions for thematic visits, with useful information for planning a trip. Available in ten languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Japanese and Mandarin), it includes a tourist assistance service.
Together with the regional portals for tourism promotion, it is a means of publicising the tourism offer. Any licensed tourist company can be part of the Visit Portugal database, which includes 12 thousand tourist resources from all over the country, which can be consulted in context by users from all over the world who are thinking of travelling to Portugal. The contact can be made through the email:​.

// Online Campaigns
Online communication is a privileged means of promotion, with a decrease in investment in traditional offline media. The implementation of specific promotional campaigns contributes, in a decisive way, to Portugal's visibility and to the increase of its notoriety in international markets. A key point of the promotion strategy.

Can't Skip Portugal was one of the most viewed campaigns ever, counting more than 10 million views since its release in 2017. Despite having been implemented in 20 countries, it reached, in an organic way, over 200 countries. In 4 films, it focused on the promotion of an authentic and unique destination, with a lot to see, taste, feel and experience, to which one can no longer remain indifferent when making travel plans.

Can’t Skip Hope was the message of hope that Portugal addressed to the world in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, aiming to keep Portugal as the dream destination in postponed travel plans. 

Can’t Skip Tomorrow launched in the beginning of 2021, is a campaign focused in promoting responsible and sustainable tourism, with environmental concerns, with respect for the richness of the local, cultural and natural heritage and focused on changing attitudes in the way we travel and make tourism. 

Time to Be, launched in June 2021, aimed at the international market, as well as the internal market. It aims to stimulate demand and keep the destination at the top of tourists' preferences, by valuing national tourist assets.

It’s not tourism. It’s futourism
Tourism promotion campaign, launched on 31 December 2023, which proposes 12 New Year's resolutions for the tourist of the future. More than a campaign, it's an initiative that aims to inspire action and transform trips to Portugal into authentic, sustainable experiences able to generate a positive impact on the country, environment, and communities. The campaign uses images that make reference to Portuguese expressions but take a universal approach, presenting 12 resolutions for the tourist of the future. It also invites each person to adopt a new way of travelling, to truly dive into the experiences offered by each destination, to immerse themselves in places and traditions, and to seek less standardisation and more of a human touch, in the awareness that residents and travellers are all working towards the same goal.

// Brand actions
The brand activations, carried out periodically, highlight specific communication themes of the destination (Portuguese Brands) such as nature tourism through walking and cycling (Portuguese Trails), literary tourism (Read Portugal and Viagem a Portugal Revisited), religious tourism (Paths of Faith), surfing (Portuguese Waves), golf (Portuguese Greens), wine tourism (Wine Tourism) and music festivals (Portuguese Music Festivals).

/​/ Social communication and public relations actions
Numerous public relations actions aimed at journalists in the written press, television, radio or online media, seeking to keep them informed, attentive and interested in Portugal, are promotional actions with great impact on the foreign media.
The planning and follow-up of press trips, carried out in articulation with the Tourism Teams and the Regional Tourism Promotion Agencies (ARPT), make the territory and its tourism offer known, providing unique experiences at the destination and the ability to produce content about the country.

// International tourism fairs
The presence in the main tourism fairs, both generalist and thematic, contributes to Portugal asserting its image, promoting the quality and professionalism of the companies. Participation is managed by Turismo de Portugal in conjunction with the Regional Tourism Promotion Agencies (ARPT), creating synergies between companies, capitalising on their joint effort and maintaining coherence in promoting Portugal as a unique destination.
On the Portal de Feiras e Eventos  (Trade Fairs and Events Portal), companies can find the worldwide calendar of events, specific information on each one and instructions on how to participate.

// Support for Portuguese businesses  
The strategy to promote and support the sale of projects abroad and the offer of differentiating products throughout the country is done in conjunction with regional partners, whether public entities, associations or directly with tourism companies, according to an action plan for external promotion, managed and monitored by the seven Regional Tourism Promotion Agencies. In the Portal de Feiras e Eventos  (Trade Fairs and Events Portal) are disclosed, whenever they arise in each market, opportunities to carry out tactical actions that reveal themselves to be good opportunities to support the sale and activity of companies.​

// Actions aimed at foreign tourism professionals and operators
The support to these professionals is materialised in the organisation and accompaniment of trips to get to know the territory and get closer to the tourism products that make up the main communication themes of the destination. In coordination with the Tourism Teams and with the participation of national companies, always in articulation with the seven Regional Tourism Promotion Agencies, actions are organised aimed at external markets, such as roadshows, workshops, fam trips and training of travel agents about the destination.
The analysis of the various source tourism markets identifies business opportunities for developing joint promotional activities and campaigns with the main tour operators and travel agents who develop programmes in Portugal and with the airlines that operate the air routes. The aim is to strengthen the air capacity and accessibility of external markets to Portugal, as well as to increase the flow of tourists.

// Tourism and Cinema Support Fund
Turismo de Portugal and the Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual (Cinema and Audiovisual Institute) monitor the implementation of the measure to support film and audiovisual production in Portugal, created within the scope of the Tourism and Cinema Support Fund, which aims to raise the profile of our country in the international film production market, as a filming and post-production location and as a tourist destination, through the dissemination of images of Portuguese heritage and landscapes, indirectly creating value.

// Support to events of touristic interest (under review)
The concession of financial support directly associated with the organisation of events that, due to their positioning, notoriety and international image, contribution to the qualification of the tourist experience and to the adequate structuring of tourism products or to the development of the economy, at national or regional level, prove to be relevant for the sustainable development of tourism is managed.  

Learn about Turismo de Portugal’s campaigns available on Youtube​: 

  • Destination
  • Tourism
  • Tourism promotion
  • Turismo de Portugal
  • Tourism fairs
  • Tourism teams abroad
  • Campaign
  • Visitportugal
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